Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
(1.) Are the tests and/or the final exam timed?
(2.) Do you give Make-up and/or Retake tests?
(3.) I cannot access:
the Canvas course and/or
the Pearson MyLab Math and/or
the eText/Multimedia resources in MyLab Math
(4.) Are the MyLab Math (MLM) assignments timed?
(5.) How do I save the questions or sections I complete in MLM?
(6.) Mr. C, I took your class the previous semester but did not pass. I attempted some MLM
Directly after last semster (this semester), I wish to take it again with you.
Do I have to complete the remaining MLM assignments or should I start all over again?
(7.) When do you update grades for the assessments?
(8.) I have found the basic resources for my project.
Should I email it to you?
(9.) The basic resources I chose for my project has been approved.
Where should I submit the project draft?
(10.) I want to know whether I am passing your class or not. Should I have to wait till you update
the grades? I would like to know my grades now.
(11.) Is there any extra work I can do to raise my grade? I really want to pass this class.
(12.) Every work assigned in MLM has a due date of 07/29/2024.
But you have Initial Due dates and Final Due dates. May you explain?
Also, may you explain the Initial and Final due dates for the Project Drafts and the Project?
(13.) Is there any penalty for late work?
(14.) Are there any bonus points or extra credit opportunities for this course?
(15.) Do you curve the final grades if many of your students are not passing?
(16.) I do not have the textbook yet. I am waiting to get some funds and/or for my financial aid to
pay for it.
(17.) I do not have the funds to purchase the access code and/or my financial aid is yet to
pay for it.
(18.) May I use my nickname or the other names I use for any of the course work?
(19.) What if I cannot find the basic resources for my project?
(20.) I did the calculations to know my current grade, then I wanted to verify it with the Grade
calculator. The results are not the same.
(21.) My grade when I used the Grade Calculator is different from my grade in the MLM gradebook
My grade when I used the Grade Calculator is different from my grade in the Canvas gradebook.
(22.) I am not available during the weekly Student Engagement Hours and I need verbal explanations
of my questions.
What should I do?
(23.) I am interested in completing more than one project.
May I complete more than one project?
If the answer is Yes, I ask that you grade all the projects that I complete and choose the project
with the
best grade.
(24.) I do not have the funds to purchase any of the TI-calculators specified in the course
What should I do?
(25.) Mr. C, I took your class last semester.
I attempted or completed the project for that section but I did not pass the class.
Directly after last semster (this semester), I am taking it again.
Do I need to repeat the project?
(26.) What is the intended purpose of an initial due date and a final due date for the MLM
assignments and the Project?
(27.) Who should I contact for all Canvas issues?
(28.) Do you assign Incompletes?
(29.) Mr. C, you recommended in the course syllabus that we do at least 20 questions per day.
I think I can do more than 20 questions each day.
Am I allowed to work ahead?
(30.) I would like to know if we will just be reading our e-textbook and using MLM resources for all
our assignments.
(31.) May I submit any graded work to your email?
(32.) What can I do at this point to have a passing grade (make at least a C) in the class?
(33.) What should I make in any of the assessments to pass the course (make at least a C)?
(34.) When I type in the Canvas editor, my computer acts up sometimes.
For example, I may want to add a space or two spaces in-between two sentences or lines.
What should I do?
(35.) For the Project Drafts:
Why do you require us to review the previous posts of our colleagues before we post/submit our own?
(36.) For the Project Drafts:
Why do you require us to review your comments to the previous posts of our colleagues before we
post/submit our own?
(37.) I missed your class for a reason or reasons.
What should I do?
May I have a recording of the class?
(38.) You graded my project (not the project draft) and left feedback.
May I resubmit the project with the corrections based on your feedback?
(39.) I will be missing the first class session for a reason or reasons.
I am yet to know my classmates to make friends with those who attend class regularly.
I was hoping you can guide me to the materials that will be covered.
(40.) I am very stressed about this class.
I am very stressed about my classes.
I am very stressed about college in general.
I am very strssed about my work-life balance.
It is affecting my mental health.
(41.) I have a reason or reasons for not completing the MLM assignments.
It is past the final due date and I really need one more day to complete it.
May you please grant me one day extension so I complete it and pass the course with the grade I
(42.) I have a reason or reasons for not attending a class session or several class sessions.
Is there something I should review specifically to make sure I do not fall behind?