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Course Objectives

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

Week 1: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 1 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Distinguish between relations and functions.
(2.) Evaluate functions numerically.
(3.) Evaluate functions algebraically.
(4.) Determine the domain of functions.
(5.) Determine the range of functions.
(6.) Graph functions.
(7.) Perform arithmetic operations on functions.
(8.) Discuss the properties of functions.

Week 2: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 2 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss piecewise functions.
(2.) Graph piecewise functions.
(3.) Solve applied problems on piecewise functions.
(4.) Discuss the basic parent functions (toolbox functions).
(5.) Discuss the properties of parent functions.
(6.) Transform parent functions.
(7.) Graph parent functions.
(8.) Graph the transformation of parent functions.

Week 3: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 3 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss linear functions.
(2.) Discuss the properties of linear functions.
(3.) Solve applied problems on linear functions.
(4.) Discuss linear models.
(5.) Build linear models from data.

Week 4: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 4 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss quadratic functions.
(2.) Solve applied problems on quadratic functions.
(3.) Discuss quadratic models.
(4.) Build quadratic models from data.
(5.) Discuss quadratic inequalities.
(6.) Solve applied problems on quadratic inequalities.

Week 5: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 5 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss polynomials.
(2.) Graph polynomials.
(3.) Add polynomials.
(4.) Subtract polynomials.
(5.) Multiply polynomials.
(6.) Divide polynomials.
(7.) Evaluate polynomials.
(8.) Factor polynomials.

Week 6: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 6 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss rational functions.
(2.) Analyze rational functions.
(3.) Write rational functions from intercepts and asymptotes.
(4.) Graph rational functions using technology.
(5.) Transform rational functions.
(6.) Solve problems in rational functions.
(7.) Solve applied problems on rational functions.
(8.) Solve problems on rational functions using technology including Texas Instruments calculators.

Week 7: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 7 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss polynomial inequalities.
(2.) Solve applied problems on polynomial inequalities.
(3.) Discuss rational inequalities.
(4.) Solve applied problems on rational inequalities.
(5.) Discuss polynomial theorems.
(6.) Solve applied problems on the theorems of polynomials.

Week 8: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 8 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Compose functions.
(2.) Solve applied problems on the composition of functions.
(3.) Decompose functions.
(4.) Discuss one-to-one functions.
(5.) Determine the inverses of functions.
(6.) Test for inverses of functions using the composition of functions.
(7.) Solve applied problems on the inverses of functions.

Week 9: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 9 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss Exponents.
(2.) Discuss Logarithms.
(3.) Discuss the relationship between exponents and logarithms.
(4.) Discuss exponential functions.
(5.) Graph exponential functions.
(6.) Analyze the graph of exponential functions.
(7.) Discuss logarithmic functions.
(8.) Graph logarithmic functions.
(9.) Analyze the graph of logarithmic functions.
(10.) Discuss the relationship between the graph of exponential functions and the graph of logarithmic functions.
(11.) Solve applied problems on exponential functions.
(12.) Solve applied problems on logarithmic functions.

Week 10: Objectives

This week we will focus on...
Week 10 Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week, students will:

(1.) Discuss the properties of exponents.
(2.) Discuss the properties of logarithms.
(3.) Solve exponential equations.
(4.) Solve logarithmic equations.
(5.) Solve applied problems on exponential equations.
(6.) Solve applied problems on logarithmic equations.
(7.) Discuss the topic of linear systems.
(8.) Discuss the topic of matrices.
(9.) Solve matrices using the Gauss-Jordan method.
(10.) Solve linear systems using the Gauss-Jordan method of matrices.